5 reasons there is no security in any job and where to find it anyway

“I can’t find a job”

“I have a great Job”

“I’ve been let go from my job”

“I hate my job”

“I need a job”

“I was laid off from my job”

“I lost my job”

“I didn’t get the job”

We have all heard these statements and more like them regarding that thing we all love to hate, a job.

A job can provide the income and benefits we all need. A job provides a sense pf pride when we do well.  And it provides a sense of identity for what we do. All of the are good things.

And many times we look for security in a job.  But, in reality, those who are ‘let go’ understand that there is no security in a job. What feels like a great secure job one minute can quickly be eliminated by corporate changes or economic events. 

So why are jobs at their core really no security at all?

It’s not you it’s them

Job by definition means “someone else”.

If you have a job someone else is paying you. Someone else is managing you.  Someone else is setting the agenda. Someone else is deciding the larger issues of employment. Someone else is taking the risk to provide goods and services to the market place. Someone else is in control.

Someone else.

Not you.

Granted, you can quit. However, if you still need a job, you are in the same boat as before, relying on someone else.

5 Truths about jobs

  1. Jobs exist to benefit the company
  2. Jobs exist to help the business make money
  3. Jobs exist to further the company goals
  4. Jobs exist because the owners want them to be
  5. Jobs are not there for you.

Certainly you benefit as a byproduct of doing a good job through salary, bonuses and other benefits. If you do well you can get promoted to a new job. 

However, you are not the purpose of the job. You are the doer of the job. And if you don’t do it, someone else will. We are all replaceable.

Job Value Equation

A job is an equation that has to be balanced. It goes something like this:

(Real Value you deliver to the company) > X * (Your total cost to the company)

Where rarely X is 1. Many times it is much greater.

If a salesperson simply makes their equivalent salary in sales for the company they won’t be around long.

If that equation fails to balance then you may be invited to attend work elsewhere.

So where does the job security come from?

So if you can’t trust a company to provide job security then where does it come from?

Well, it comes from you.

Employment security is derived from your inate abilities, skills and attitudes that are valuable to any employer. Those are the things inside you that will get you another job.

What are they?

  • Your skills
  • Your mindset and attitude
  • Your ability to Learn
  • Your work ethic
  • Your work culture acumen
  • Knowing and growing your value


Ultimately we are the stewards of our own selves. One of the best job related investments you can make is in yourself.

Invest in your training, self improvement and growth.

As William Earnest Henley said in the classic poem Invictus:

“I am the master of my fate,
      I am the captain of my soul.”

You are the captain of your self and you are responsible to do those things to grow and improve. The world won’t do it for you.

In this, you take steps toward building your own security. 

So captain, where are you sailing?

2 thoughts on “5 reasons there is no security in any job and where to find it anyway”

  1. John, your article is very well written and valuable advice. The only thing I would add is a mentor. You sound advice is primarily performed alone. From experience I know most people would greatly benefit from a wise mentor.

    1. Thank you Tom. There is no doubt that the objective, external advice of someone you trust is invaluable in navigating the waters of job change. A good mentor can open up whole new avenues of thinking about your direction, potential and situational assessment. Great advice Tom, probably worth a follow up post in itself.

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